Using SEO to boost website visibility in Google has become the default and obvious way for businesses to make their online presence felt. The more people you reach, the more traffic you get, and the more visitors you convert into paying customers.

While we recently spoke about SEO and link building trends, let’s dig into some specific things you can do to optimize your website for more visibility in the SERPs.

Build Links

You might go “Meh” on this. But building quality links is, was and will be the quickest way to improve your site’s SEO. There’s study after study that proves link building gets you results that other strategies cannot ever hope to achieve.

So start walking down that link buying path if you haven’t already and put in place a long-term link building strategy that creates a natural, diverse backlink profile for your site. Don’t forget to monitor your competitors’ links and outdo them smartly.

Of course, Serpzilla is here to help you get the most effective links

Read our case studies to explore the boundaries of what’s possible with the right links.

Create High-Quality Content

Want your content to appear in the top 10 Google search results for your chosen keywords? You have no choice but to deliver the absolute best answer that matches the searcher’s intent with laser precision.

Contextual, relevant, useful, unique, in-depth, easy-to-understand, strategic, convincing and entertaining. Your content must be all of these. If you don’t think you meet all these criteria, your pages stand little chance of competing with the best.

Google has recently focused a lot on consolidating content quality signals into the helpful content system. This takes into account the EEAT (Experience Expertise Authoritativeness Trustworthiness) framework that their search quality raters can use as a yardstick for measuring the helpfulness of the content.

Get Technical SEO Right

Technical SEO is a set of activities that improve the crawling, rendering and indexing of your website. It focuses on optimizing the HTML code, markup, scripts and files that make up the website, the applications on the web server, as well as the server itself for optimal performance. Ultimately, the goal is to have each page load quickly, correctly and aesthetically on all devices – both mobile and desktop.

Google considers site loading speed, security and page experience as critical factors for ranking a page and technical SEO makes sure your website conforms to these standards.

Optimize for Mobile Devices

Data from Statcounter and Statista show that about 60% of all internet traffic comes from mobile phones. So it’s a given that you need to optimize your site to work without any glitches on mobile devices.

Page loading speed is a huge issue on mobile phones because of connectivity issues. If your page doesn’t load in about 2 to 3 seconds, users are quick to exit your site. If you want to keep your site’s conversion rate as high as your desktop, make sure that your mobile usability and page experience is flawless.

Adopting a responsive design, simplifying your navigation menu, using clear and well-spaced out fonts, setting up easy-to-fill forms and removing pop-ups are a few steps you can take to create a seamless mobile browsing experience.

Prepare for Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The use of AI in SEO-related activities is increasing exponentially by the day. Content generation, code optimization, event detection, analytics – everything is influenced by AI tools these days. Even as ChatGPT is still unlocking new possibilities for SEO, Google is planning to introduce its Search Generative Experience (SGE) to the SERPS sometime in the near future.

SEOs are already using AI for everything from optimizing meta tags, keyword research, content ideation, content production and even parsing code. AI is quickly replacing all routine tasks that require “doing” instead of “thinking.”

Ace Local SEO

If you’re a small business catering to a neighborhood, city or geographic region, you can’t ignore local SEO. This includes creating and optimizing a Google Business Profile, getting listed in local directories and industry associations, amassing good reviews and ratings from your customers, being mentioned regularly by regional media, and building local links.

Getting your Local SEO right helps you feature in more mobile searches and local packs. You sell more, can establish your brand in your region and gain prominence simply by showing up in more search results in your region.

Create More Videos

Besides text and images in articles and other landing pages, you should also focus on videos to improve the overall SEO of your website. With the rising popularity of platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, Google has understood that today’s users want “snackable” content. And what better format for that than video?

With high potential for distribution on social networks, video content gives you unprecedented reach. That’s not all – videos increase the level of engagement with your audience and customers, and consequently results in more conversions. In fact, data from Wyzowl shows that more than 2 in 3 users prefer video over text when learning about a product or a service. Further, users retain 95% of the information shared in video format.

The takeaway for you is to create informative and engaging videos and optimize them for search engines by adding keyword-rich titles, relevant and detailed descriptions, and attractive thumbnail images.

Optimize for Voice Search

Voice search is giving text search a run for its money. Over a billion voice searches take place every month – in fact, 71% people prefer querying Google by speaking over typing. The rise in adoption of voice assistants and voice-activated devices is the main reason for this tremendous growth. 

Optimize your pages for voice search by targeting long-tail keywords, writing content in conversational style, and adding FAQs. Also make your pages simpler and faster to crawl because most voice searches are conducted on mobile devices.

Improve Website Security

This is a no-brainer. Security is paramount not just for your site to be discoverable in Google. Without proper security, your users won’t trust you and there’s no question of them parting with their money.

HTTPS has been a ranking factor in Google since 2014. If your site is hacked or even prone to hacking, it will sink in the SERPs like a rock in the sea. So make sure your site isn’t vulnerable to cyberattacks, breaches or data theft. One mistake can cause long-standing damage to your brand and immediate loss of search visibility.

Provide a Great UX

Google has always advised SEOs and webmasters to chase the user instead of the algorithm. What they mean is that if users are happy with your site, spend more time on it, can get the information they want quickly, and carry out transactions, Google is more than happy to rank you higher and send more visitors your way.

Almost every one of Google’s important “ranking factors” – be it content, page experience, loading speed or security – are aimed at providing a better UX for surfers and searchers.

All you have to do is build a visually appealing website with quick navigation, clearly readable text, and intuitive flow of information. Visitors must be able to access the resources they’re looking for (and expecting) in the minimal amount of time.

Wrapping Up

SEO plays a powerful role in bringing your target audience to your website. It is one of the most effective methods of increasing online reach, engagement, and conversion. With the right approach to optimizing your website, you can skyrocket every business metric from brand awareness to revenue. Good luck!

  • Alex Sandro

    Senior product manager at SEO and linkbuilding expert. More than 10 years of work in the field of website search engine optimization, specialist in backlink promotion. Head of linkbuilding products at Serpzilla, a global linkbuilding platform. He regularly participates in SEO conferences and also hosts webinars dedicated to website optimization, working with various marketing tools, strategies and trends of backlink promotion.