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Most frequently used terms are already here for you

Getting started with Serpzilla

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Let's speak the same language ;)
Most frequently used terms are already here for you.


User who had registered on Serpzilla to promote his project by keywords

Algorithm or Google Algorithm

Sorting of websites on search results page, which changes during the operation of a particular search engine.

Anchor Text

Visible characters and words that hyperlinks display when linking to another document or location on the web.


The link will be placed on a new website page. Depending on specific format, article should be written either by Advertiser or Publisher. Topic relevance of the article text is obligatory< as well as uniqueness of the text. The text length is from 2,000 characters.

Authority or Domain Authority (DA)

Domain Authority is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz. This relevance has a direct impact on its ranking by search engines, trying to assess domain authority through automated analytic algorithms.

Contextual Niche Edits

Classic niche edits with automatisation from Serpzilla. Based on your keywords, the system finds pre-existing relevant page and transforms those keywords into a link.

Domain Age

The date a domain was registered on, to the current date is known as domain age. It was once considered that a greater domain age gave a domain more authority, but this idea of domain age as an influence on ranking has since been dismissed. Can be used as a filter option "The domain is older".

DR Ahrefs

Ahrefs metric that shows the relative strength of a website's backlink profile. DR is measured on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 100, with the latter being the strongest.

External links

External Links are hyperlinks that point at (target) any domain other than the domain the link exists on (source). In layman's terms, if another website links to you, this is considered an external link to your website. Similarly, if you link out to another website, this is also considered an external link.

Free or Submits

A way of submitting links on your website for free (On social media or job portals).

Guest posts

A guest post is when an Author writes a piece of content under their own name for someone else's blog. Writing guest posts is an easy way to gain a lot of exposure quickly. But guest posts are also hard work. They require a lot more than just throwing a post up on a random page.


SEO keywords (also known as “keywords” or “keyphrases”) are terms added to online content in order to improve search engine rankings for those terms. Most keywords are discovered during the keyword research process and are chosen based on a combination of search volume, competition and commercial intent.

Link Building

A process designed to get other trusted and relevant websites to link to your website to help improve your organic search rank and visibility. Link building can be done by:
- Conducting outreach to media outlets, bloggers, influencers, and webmasters.
- Attracting editorial links naturally, by publishing various types of high-quality or sensational content.
- Paying for them. For example, you can obtain links via sponsored content, paid reviews, or paying for a specific type of link to appear on another website.
- Forging partnerships.
- Manually. For instance, you link together various properties you manage or own, or add your site to online directories or review sites.


A way to measure activity and performance in order to assess the success (or lack thereof) of an SEO initiative.


A specific market or area of interest consisting of a small group of highly-passionate people.

Niche Edits

Prime link placement type of Serpzilla. Links are placed on pre-existing page, outside of its content (footer, sidebar). Can be easily automated with Automode.

Outbound Link

A link that directs visitors to a page on a different website than the one they are currently on.


User who had registered on Serpzilla toearn money using his own website.

Publisher's Article

A type of purchasable link placement. Link is placed on the new page with thematic content. The content itself needs to be written by a Publisher.


Larges linkbuilding marketplace in the world. Serpzilla innovates SEO with its smart algorithms and seemless interaction between Advertisers and Publishers.


The people (and sometimes bots) who visit your website.


A uniform resource locator is the specific string of characters that lead to a resource on the web.
The term URL is usually short-hand for the letter-based web address (e.g., entered into a browser to access a webpage.

URL Parameter

The values added to a URL in order to track where traffic comes from (i.e., which link someone clicked on to discover your website or webpage).
Here’s an example of a URL parameter (bolded):

Web 2.0 Links

Group of different types of placement, used by Serpzilla to help you promote your project. Consists of such types as On Forums, On Q&A Websites, Within Comments, Free, On Social Media.


A document that exists on the World Wide Web and can be viewed by web browsers.


A collection of webpages hosted together on the World Wide Web.

White Hat

Tactics that comply with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

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