Guest posting is a SEO technique where marketers dress links to their resources in elaborate pieces of content on other blogs and websites. It is usually a win-win deal for everyone involved: a blog receives an engaging, relevant article, usually a longread which helps them raise reader involvement, and provides unique expertise or entertainment for the readers. A guest blogger receives a backlink with a great authority weight and attracts traffic to their resource. You can read more about the mechanics of guest posting in our article

But guest blogging can actually reap you more benefits than what you see on the surface. Let’s get into the details of what advantages guest posting offers and why it is essential for a wholesome SEO strategy.

White-Hat link building

Pretty obvious, right? Guest posting is one of the most popular white-hat link building tactics. Meaning, Google doesn’t frown upon it, it provides you with  good-authority backlinks which are usually very relevant, organic and well-placed. Guest posts are meticulously composed to bring useful content to the audience, so the article will likely stay in its place for a long time, so will the link. All this really allows you to hit the mark with Google crawlers. 

Boosting natural link-building

Like we already said, in a guest post a backlink is wrapped in a pretty package of an exciting piece of content that is meant to provoke a positive response from readers. The use of a new venue increases your exposure and gains you a new audience. It means that you raise your chances for being randomly backlinked by some of these people just because they like you. A neat side perk!

Increase in the Referral Traffic

A guest blog post has better chances of becoming viral (which is every SEO marketer’s cherished dream). But even if it doesn’t, the word of mouth still gets going and people will reblog, retweet, and repost the original guest post content with a fair probability. Second, third level referral links come flowing in, especially if the blog where you guest posted is a popular one with a loyal engaged audience. 

Boosting your Brand Awareness

If creating your own style, tone of voice and showcasing your unique content plays a big part of your marketing strategy, a guest blog post is the best way to promote it. Guest articles imply that you get the audience acquainted not just with your product or services, but with creators behind it. A guest post is a way to market your brand in a much more personal way. It’s good for the audience, but it also scores you points with Google, because Google trusts you more, as a content provider, if they know the creator behind the content. 

Raising your conversion rates

Back from the days of TV ads we know how it works. People like to use things that everyone knows about. Having popular blogs feature articles about you will boost your brand recognition and people will trust you more, because they have heard, read about you. The more times the information about you touches your audience, the more ‘familiar’ you will seem to them. It is known to be a decision-making factor when people make a choice in a competitive market. They think they know you, you become more transparent for them, so they are more likely to buy your products or services. 

New Networking Opportunities

A good influencer or blog integration usually gets noticed. Bloggers sometimes struggle coming up with new content ideas their audience find exciting and useful so they do monitor their competition in that respect. If you make one successful blog post, you are highly likely to bargain more similar offers or even receive ones. In this case, you can count on better deals or even continuous collabs which would benefit all sides. This helps you to build a network of useful contacts and increase your outreach. 

Gathering important stats

After you have done guest posts for some time, you will have an extremely valuable database of contacts, a white list and a black list of influencers and blogs, described by their openness to collabs, the quality and the speed of their work and, most importantly, the outcome of a guest post in numbers. A.k.a, number pageviews, leads, conversions, new subscribers, new organic backlinks, user retention, etc. This kind of analytic data will help you to make important corrections not just to your link building efforts, but to your entire SEO and marketing strategy. 

Establishing Authority

When you feature in a solid, thought-out, high-quality piece of content in a reputable blog, you immediately come across as an expert for the audience of that blog. When you do it on a regular basis, people come to associate you with valuable knowledge, expertise and trustworthy sources of information in your domain. Do we even need to tell you how being considered an expert and a figure of authority  in one’s field is good for your marketing? Of course we don’t. 

Yep, that’s us. We take pride in having accumulated a pool of reliable, quality blogs and platforms who would be happy to make a guest blog post about you. But that’s not all, we have made finding blogs that match your request with a high degree of relevance easy.

Our intuitive search mechanism with a sensitive 40+ parameter filter search will find blogs among our 100,000+ database that will suit your content perfectly. We also offer a user-friendly dashboard where you can manage all the purchased placements and communicate with contractors in chat. And if the page doesn’t get indexed or the placement disappears, we will return your money.

Streamlining your guest posting with Serpzilla is simple and cost-effective. 

Top List of Blogs and Websites Accepting Guest Posts

Check out our selection of the best websites and blogs available for guest posting. Choose a topic that suits your interests and goals.

AI BlogsWebsites in India
Automotive BlogsHealth and Fitness Blogs
Beauty BlogsHome Improvement Sites
Business BlogsInsurance Blogs
Celebrity BlogsLegal Blogs
Construction SitesLifestyle Blogs
Cybersecurity BlogsMommy Blogs
Dating BlogsPet Blogs
Dental BlogsPhotography Blogs
Digital Marketing SitesPolitical Blogs
Education SitesReal Estate Sites
Entertainment & Music SitesShopping Sites
Fashion & Jewellery BlogsSmartphone & Gadgets Blogs
Finance SitesSports Blogs
Food BlogsStartup Blogs
Furniture BlogsTravel Blogs
Gaming SitesWedding Sites
Graphic Design BlogsEntrepreneurship Blogs
Technology BlogsInterior Design Blogs
Casino BlogsGardening Blogs
SaaS BlogsWeb Design Blogs
Affiliate Marketing BlogsYoga Blogs
Social Media BlogsForex Blogs
Сryptocurrency BlogsWeight Loss Blogs
  • Alex Sandro

    Senior product manager at SEO and linkbuilding expert. More than 10 years of work in the field of website search engine optimization, specialist in backlink promotion. Head of linkbuilding products at Serpzilla, a global linkbuilding platform. He regularly participates in SEO conferences and also hosts webinars dedicated to website optimization, working with various marketing tools, strategies and trends of backlink promotion.