About the project
The project https://www.third****kno.com/ provides a remote development team recruitment service in India.

According to Ahrefs.com, main traffic to the website comes from these countries:
- USA (45%)
- India (39.5%)
- Germany (2.6%)

The beginning
Our work started in March 2023 and back then the website was spiraling down. Most likely the drop is connected to the fact that the site lost 60-70 backlinks at the beginning of the year. We can see from the graph that the correlation between the number of referring domains and the project visibility is very high.

Just check TOP-100 keyword visibility data:

And down below you can see organic traffic from Google:

Our Goals
The project provides a remote development team recruitment service in India.
Increase the organic traffic using Serpzilla backlinks
- Increase brand authority by uplifting the Link Juice on the home page https://www.third****kno.com/
- Promote the Angular developer recruitment service www.third****kno.com/services/web-development/angular-development
- Promote the Mobile app developer recruitment service www.third****kno.com/hire-us/hire-mobile-app-developers/
As we have already mentioned, the website was spiraling down. We decided to move away from a traditional SEO strategy and to achieve the desired results not by improving the website itself but by supplying the Serpzilla backlinks.
Semantic core of hiring services’ pages

Budget and amount of backlink bought at Serpzilla

Data on backlinks and donor domains

Results on the first service (Angular dev)
We have been able to increase keyword visibility by 272% (from 18 to 49) and increase daily traffic by 239% (from 33 to 112 daily visitors)

Donor domains amount (Angular dev)
According to Ahrefs the amount of ref.domains has increased from 14 to 41 (+27)

1 month after taking off backlinks (Angular dev)
We’ve conducted an experiment, took off backlinks and checked the page www.third****kno.com/services/web-development/angular-development 1 month after.
You can see the decrease in page visibility and traffic. There is a strong correlation between Serpzilla backlinks and page visibility.

Results on the second service (Mobile app dev)
We have been able to increase keyword visibility by 81% (from 91 to 165) and increase daily traffic from 3 to 16 daily visitors.

Donor domains amount (Mobile app dev)
According to Ahrefs the amount of ref.domain has increased from 6 to 49 (+43)

1 month after taking off backlinks (Mobile app dev)
You can also see the decrease in page visibility and traffic. Again there is a strong correlation between Serpzilla backlinks and page visibility.

Results on the website
We have been able to increase keyword visibility by 46% (from 8632 to 12642) and increase daily traffic by 93% (from 2468 to 4785 daily visitors).

Results on whole the website
The TOP-10 keyword visibility has increased by 42% from 539 to 769

The experiment proves that Serpzilla backlinks do have a positive effect on the project and all the promoted pages’ visibility.
We saw a little traffic decrease when we observed the visibility dynamics, however the growth was still going. The reason for that is many queries were still in TOP-10 and were boosted by the behavioral factors. We’ve reached the top because of backlinks and now we’re holding the place with the content. That’s the winning strategy.
The results summary
https://www.third****kno.com/ & Serpzilla

Thanks to an in-depth backlink automation process by Serpzilla you can place tens, hundreds or even thousands of backlinks within a short period of time. Such backlinks are going to be from the thematic pages indexed by Google, so you can expect high quality because of that. Each and every day we fill our base with thousands of new pages for your backlink placement.