There are several main types of links used in SEO, each with distinct characteristics, applications, and effectiveness in link building strategies.
Most SEO efforts involve Niche Edits, as they’re the most common type, especially in the initial stages of building a link profile. Typically embedded contextually for relevance and better search ranking, Niche Edits remain on the donor site as long as the rent is paid. Despite ongoing costs, they are considered affordable and effective for project promotion.
How Niche Edits Work
Niche Edits are located on the donor site until the SEO-specialist continues to pay the rent, usually daily. If payments stop, the link disappears, and the achieved effects gradually diminish. Despite regular expenses, rental backlinks are considered the most accessible and perform well in promotion tasks.
In some cases, Niche Edits are placed in blocks at specific page locations, resembling contextual advertising in appearance.
Key Advantages of Niche Edits
- Cost-Effectiveness: Niche Edits offer a broad price range, making them a universal tool for various promotional tactics.
- Monitoring Convenience: Platforms for purchasing Niche Edits allow easy tracking and automated replacement of unindexed links.
- Control and Management: SEO-specialists can easily discontinue unnecessary links by stopping rental payments, providing flexibility.
Challenges with Niche Edits
- Increasing Requirement: As the promotion progresses, the need for backlinks grows, increasing the monthly expenditure. A strategy shift might be needed, possibly towards one-time purchases of different link types.
Effective Use of Niche Edits
- Links from Main Pages: Placing backlinks only on main pages can be more expensive but offers higher link weight.

- Sitewide backlinks: Placing a link in a site element present on every page, like navigation blocks, can significantly boost link profile and search rankings.
- Contextual Niche Edits. Links of this type are placed directly within the existing content of the pages. The thematic environment makes the link natural, because it is placed on an existing page with a strong reference mass, which means that it is more powerful for search services. Of the obvious advantages are also the fact that you do not need to come up with text – it is already on the page.

Additional information on choosing platforms for link placement and utilizing Niche Edits effectively can be found in the relevant sections.