Google strictly monitors to ensure SEO-specialists do not resort to link spam, punishing manipulations with a decrease in ranking or even a ban. Therefore, the search for suitable donor sites has become more thorough. There is a comprehensive list of parameters that SEO-specialists focus on when selecting such resources: traffic size, trust level, and many others.

Main Parameters for Selecting Donor Sites (Serpzilla SEO Research 2021) 

One of the most important factors is thematics. It’s crucial that this parameter applies not only to the entire site but also to individual pages.

Relevance of Theme 

The most attractive links for any SEO-specialist are from pages whose theme matches the promoted site. Such links have several significant advantages. Firstly, they have a higher weight in SEO promotion, improving the resource’s position in search results. Secondly, they bring quality, engaged traffic – users with corresponding interests.

The challenge is that the number of sites of each specific theme on the internet is limited. Many of them are already quite spammed with outbound links. SEO specialists have to search for thematic pages on sites of related or entirely different themes. Moreover, to find them manually requires regular, labor-intensive, and lengthy work.

You can use keyword searches to more accurately find pages closely related to your site’s theme.

To effectively discover niche donor sites, new interface filters in Serpzilla have integrated an option for automatic theme checking and the ability to choose a theme in the search filter. The service’s algorithms check the site when added to the database, and then every six months, to determine its theme.

As a result, you can obtain quality links from thematic resources and significantly increase the effectiveness of link building, achieving higher search result positions.