The advantages and characteristics of a website’s engine can directly affect the effectiveness of its optimization. 

The Impact of CMS on Website Ranking

Before starting SEO promotion, the specialist must ensure that the CMS allows the implementation of their plans. 

CMS influence on Website Promotion 

Before starting search engine optimization, ensure that the website is ready and meets the requirements of Google, and its engine allows effective promotion.

Each CMS has its strengths and weaknesses, which need to be considered. Below, we’ve compiled the main characteristics of the most common engines that can affect the effectiveness of promotion.

OpenCartDrupalJoomla! MagentoWordPress
Optimal Type of Sites (in order of preference) Online storesService sites, corporate sites, online storesOnline stores, service sites, corporate sitesOnline storesService sites, corporate sites, small online stores (requires modification)
Cost No payment requiredNo payment requiredNo payment requiredNo payment requiredNo payment required
SEO Capabilities Added via modulesMostly out of of the box, some added via modulesAdded via modulesMostly out of of the box, some added via modulesMostly out of of the box, some added via modules
Page Load SpeedSlow after installing a lot of pluginsSlowSlowNeeds a little upgrade, requires a lot of server resourcesAfter installing a lot of plugins turn the cache on
Duplicate Page Issues Present,  solved by installing pluginsPresent,  solved by installing pluginsPresent,  solved by installing pluginsComparatively little,  Solved by correct settingsPresent,  solved by installing plugins
CMS Development Cost  Inexpensive, but there are a lot of specialists Expensive and it is hard to find a specialistExpensive and it is hard to find a specialistExpensive and it is hard to find a specialistInexpensive, there are many professional, wide range of ready-made add-ons and plugins
Ease of Administration




Vulnerabilities In between
Mobile Device Adaptability
Additional work required
Additional work requiredYesAdditional work required


For effective promotion, the site management system should be one of the most well-known. Their developers usually take user needs into account and make necessary modifications in advance.

CMSs are constantly updated, expanding functionality, fixing errors, and improving security. When choosing, study the capabilities of the latest release, do not rely on articles and reviews that are two or three years old.

If your CMS does not allow effective site promotion, it is better to replace it with a more current one instead of trying to modify it.