Serpzilla offers over 40 metrics to find suitable backlink donors. Thanks to user feedback the platform’s interface has been improved and a significant new metric has been added: Referring domains according to Ahrefs.

Referring domains is a measure of a resource’s authority. The more unique domains linking to a website, the more likely that links from it will carry significant weight and influence rankings. The current value of this metric can now be seen directly in the search results for Guest Posts.

How to View Sites by Referring domains Metric:

  1. Open the link donor website search in your personal account.
  2. Customize the display columns in the search results by checking the Referring domains parameter.

To make your search more productive, Serpzilla has compiled a list of websites with a high level of Referring domains by Ahrefs!

Happy hunting for quality backlinks!

  • Sergey Pankov

    Sergey is a seasoned SEO expert with 20+ years of experience, global link building opinion leader, he is a regular speaker at various SEO conferences and webinars dedicated to website optimization. As a CEO at, Sergey is responsible for strategic & operational management of business areas, business scaling, building first-class customer service, innovation & technology management, hiring & management of teams of talents. Sergey's Linkedin